By Shadreck Gurenje
SADC Chairperson, President Emmerson Mnangagwa has said the region’s collective pursuit for peace, is the greatest tribute that can be accorded to the Southern Africa’s heroes and heroines both living and fallen.
Giving his closing remarks to the virtual extraordinary SADC summit on the security situation in the Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, SADC Chairperson and President of Zimbabwe Dr Emmerson Mnangagwa said the region must speed up the implementation of the decisions made during the Joint SADC-EAC meeting which include the merger of the Luanda and Nairobi Peace Processes.
President Mnangagwa also underscored the need to maintain and uphold the practice of dialogue as a key cog to usher lasting peace to the people of DRC.
“We have come to the end of our frank and productive deliberations on the peace and security situation in eastern DRC. On the basis of well-considered factors and reflections on the initial mandate, this Extraordinary SADC Summit has made the bold decision to withdraw our Mission from the eastern DRC.
“The withdrawal of SAMIDRC notwithstanding, our august regional body will remain seized with the political and security situation in eastern DRC. We must speed up the implementation of the decisions made during the Joint SADC-EAC meeting.
“These include the merger of the Luanda and Nairobi Peace Processes, more so that dialogue is a key cog to usher lasting peace to the people of DRC.
“Our collective pursuit for peace, is the greatest tribute we can accord our heroes and heroines, both living and fallen, who selflessly answered the call of duty. Their sacrifice can never be in vain,” said President Mnangagwa.
The SADC Chairperson, President Mnangagwa also appreciated the Troop Contributing Countries and all Member States for the backing rendered to SAMIDRC.
“Allow me as we conclude our meeting, to extend sincere appreciation and gratitude to the Troop Contributing Countries and all Member States, for the backing rendered to SAMIDRC.
“As our Mission enters a withdrawal Phase, we appeal for continued support, to facilitate the safe withdrawal of all our troops and evacuation of our equipment,” said President Mnangagwa.