It turns out that none other Mozambique, our neighbour and sister republic is the lead beneficiary of the deep financial largesse of USA, the global economy Number One.
A whopping US4.7 billion loan to the Afungi natural gas basin of northern Mozambique. All to exploit the worlds top three largest deposits of the world together with the vaunted Russian Federation and Qatar.
Newly installed and youthful President Daniel Chapo should be the happiest man together with his country folk. What a major boost to his fledgling Presidency.
And a collateral pledge to the peace and stability of the Cabo Delgado Province that has recently seen an unwelcome share of trouble from religious extremists. This investment in gas is indeed a welcome big boost for the SADC region by Uncle Sam.
This whopping $4.7 billion loan is one of the largest investments the SADC region has ever received after the 2006 injection of US$6 billion into Standard Bank by the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China.
Clearly the SADC region is hogging the limelight of the two major global economies.
Indeed what a most welcome eventuality!
By the same token, the huge Exim Bank loan to Mozambique is a thunderous propound of President Trump's Policy on Africa.
Action speaks louder than words. Moreso when the benefactor reaches for one's wallet book to sign a big cheque.
Very well done President Trump. This is your vote of financial confidence to Mozambique, to SADC and the continent Mother Africa.
It will generate massive economic growth to a SADC region that is bountifully endowed.
President Trump, the focussed deal maker has dialled his compass square and proper to the SADC region.
All very timely as the USA awakens to address its laggard deficit in the global scramble for strategic minerals and much needed rare-earth metals.
Here is the roster of mineral largesse towards NEEV development country by country in SADC.
It also boasts the world's largest Graphite mine at Mbalama. This is a key mineral in New Energy Electric Vehicle-NEEV storage battery manufacture.
D.R. Congo:
Cobalt: 70% of global Cobalt. There is also plentiful copper, both of these minerals are indespensable to the migration to New Energy Electric Vehicle-NEEV storage battery from Fossil Fuel Internal Combustion Energy-ICE Mobility.
There is also Rare Earth Mineral finds, Uranium etc. One needs to add Coltan and Tin deposits.
The shared Copperbelt accounts for 43% of global copper supply and may soon supplant Latin America's dominance.
The country has recently invested and opened up huge Nickel mines. Again a key metal of the NEEV battery.
Madagascar also has large deposits of Nickel awaiting exploitation.
It possesses 25% of the world's hard rock Lithium deposits. Yet another crucial metal in the NEEV storage battery.
The top billionaire global big sharks of world's lithium mining and processing have descended onto Zimbabwe. It has promptly vaulted the country into the global supply chain.
South Africa
It has Manganese. Yet another key NEEV storage battery mineral.
Both South Africa and Zimbabwe host top rated iron ore, ferrochrome and coal deposits. With Zimbabwe recently producing high quality carbon steel at the US$1.5 billion Manhize DISCO Steel Plant.
Rare Earth deposits also abound in Zimbabwe and South Africa.
Angola and Namibia have petroleum, uranium among other mineral deposits
All these global class mineral deposits require a lot of electricity generation.
The traditional modus operandi was to mine and cart mined ore to the coastal ports for onward processing in post colonial resource smelting majors like BHP, Rio Tinto, and state owned or sta…