By Margaret Kamba
ZANU PF National Political Commissar Cde Mike Bimha says the role of affiliates can never be underestimated hence the need to now focus on development.
Speaking at an affiliate meeting held at the Party headquarters this Tuesday, Cde Bimha said the affiliates must continue to be vigilant as the enemy is still there.
"The affiliates were formed for a common background. What is interesting is that they came with the Second Republic and vary from health, education, legal and trade among others. We salute the affiliates for their performance," Cde Bimha said.
"The President, His Excellency Cde E.D Mnangagwa has always assured his welcome to the affiliates and said he would support them.
"We are happy with the collective efforts of the Party organs and that of the affiliates who worked hard to get the President and ZANU PF in power.
"What next? The focus now is on empowerment issues so that the country and the affiliates grow and prosper. All this goes back to what President Mnangagwa says that noone and no place will be left behind. Whilst we pursue this development, let's not forget that the enemy is still with us so we must be vigilant."
Some of the affiliates present included Concord for Young Women in Business, MenBelievED, Patriotic Churches in Zimbabwe, VICAZ, Miners4ED, Youth Empowerment Through Innovation YETIN and Farmers4ED amongst others.