By Margaret Kamba
Archbishop Andby Makururu says the National Youth Day is important as it provides a platform for not only an exchange of ideas amongst the youth but a time for the church to pray for the young people.
Speaking during an interview Archbishop Makururu said the church, Johane the 5th of Africa, values the day as it also provides numerous opportunities for the young people.
"As the Johane the 5th of Africa church, we believe that the National Youth Day is important as it gives an opportunity for the young people to feel their importance in society as future leaders of our country. The day also gives them an opportunity to understand their country's history and its vision going forward. It provides a platform for young people to discuss and exchange ideas about their country while giving them direction on the way to go," Archbishop Makururu said.
"The National Youth Day is also important in that it eradicates the spirit of the young people turning against their own government as it instills a sense of belonging and patriotism.
"As the indigenous churches of this country, we need to pray for our nation so that we have peace, especially looking at the drug and substance abuse menace currently prevailing. We must pray for our children so that they have direction and fear God because a lot of these problems we see today are because of the lack of knowledge and peer pressure."
Archbishop Makururu added that this is also a time for young people to be empowered through the funding of their projects as they also acquire various skills. He lamented the unavailability of patriotic youth to represent their country in sports.
"There is no strong sports sponsorship in the country which is why you see many players preferring to play for clubs from outside. That lack of patriotism is very rife but we need to inculcate in our sportsmen a love for their country by investing immensely in their sector so that they reap the benefits," Archbishop Makururu said.
This year’s National Youth Day will be held in Masvingo Province and under the theme "Positioning youth empowerment and development towards vision 2030."