By Staff Writer
Minister of Health Dr Douglas Mombeshora says there is a decrease in cholera cases following the measures taken by the government to avert the problem.
Speaking during Cabinet this week, Mombeshora said the nation "is informed that cholera cases are on the decrease in Zimbabwe. The Ministry of Health and Child Care continues to institute control measures that include: distribution of water treatment chemicals at the point of use; training of water point committees; demonstrations on handwashing; setting up of Oral Rehydration Point; engagement with religious leadership; and awareness and health education."
He added that the "Ministry also received 60 000 litres of Intra-Venous fluids, tents and other cholera supplies from the United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund in the previous week, thereby strengthening measures to control the disease. As efforts to fight cholera continue, the priority actions for the next 12 weeks, especially for Harare and Chitungwiza, include the following: Oral Cholera Vaccine Deployment to the targeted hot spots; Procurement of Cholera Response Medicines, Supplies and Commodities; Mobilisation of additional funding to support the cholera response at national and Sub-national levels for optimal and comprehensive response to the outbreak; and Support for the implementation of the integrated community strategy to optimize access to safe water and sanitation. Other initiatives will include applying the concept of Clean cities and environment by prioritizing deployment of law enforcement agents to: remove all food vendors from undesignated areas in all suburbs; supervise removal of refuse from areas where this has been dumped and make sure this does not pile up again; and monitor and halt gatherings for religious and funeral purposes in other known hotspots until the situation normalizes."