President and First Secretary of ZANU PF Cde E.D Mnangagwa says as the country moves towards achieving the set target for the agriculture sector, no one should be left behind.
This he said during the 8th Annual Agri-Business Conference held in Harare yesterday when he launched the Agriculture Recovery and Livestock Growth Plans set to achieve a USD 8.2 billion agriculture economy
"In all these programmes it is important that no one is left behind especially women, youth, veterans of our struggle and people with disabilities. To this end and in our quest to further promote gender sensitive, inclusive and broad based economic empowerment, the Small Livestock component of the Recovery Plan has seen Goat breeding and Improvement Centres established in various communities," President Mnangagwa said.
"I urge the Livestock subsector to purposefully collaborate towards enhanced research and development, knowledge transfer and the growth of a livestock value chain industry targeted for the export markets."
He said newer technologies must be merged with indigenous knowledge in order to guard against climate change.
"I exhort the sector to speedily adopt the use of smart technologies and innovation to improve our agriculture productivity towards a prosperous, diverse, sustainable and competitive agriculture sector by 2030," he said.
"In doing so, let us strive to achieve the intricate balance between new technologies and our existing indigenous knowledge systems. In the face of climate change we must continue to strengthen resilience and adaptability of our communities to changing weather patterns and environmental shocks."