THERE is every reason for Zimbabweans to be hopeful,especially if we consider the foundation laid by theZANU PF President and First Secretary Cde EmmersonMnangagwa’s administration.While jobs are already being created particularly ininfrastructure development projects, principally roadsand airports construction, and power generation, moreemployment opportunities are expected as the projects hitcritical moments that require increased manpower.The bulk of the projects will be concluded by 2023, a cleartestimony that the 2018 People’s Manifesto was not justan election gimmick and will enable development-orientedcitizens (voters) to give ZANU PF a fresh mandate to ruleand attend to any outstanding projects.All the projects are in furtherance of Vision 2030 of anupper middle-income economy.When President Mnangagwa was sworn-in at a colourfulceremony in November 2017 at the giant National SportsStadium in Harare, thousands of people who attendedthe historic assumption of national duty by the Presidentwanted a turnaround in the economy’s fortunes in generaland a transformation of their wellbeing in particular.And just over two years since November 2017, greenshoots are beginning to appear, and with them, a freshhope for the future.There is no denying that some shocks have been felt inthe economy.The forthright ZANU PF First Secretary and President, CdeMnangagwa, indicated there ‘would be bumps and pain’as Government seeks to thrust the economy on a recoveryand growth trajectory.The Transitional Stabilisation Programme (TSP),October 2018 to December 2020, which appears to havesignificantly fed-off the ZANU PF 2018 People’s Manifesto,has brought some shocks to the economy, particularly thedisbandment of the 1:1 parity between the Bond note and US dollar.Combined with the introduction of the two percent tax,prices of most goods and services shot through the roofand piled pressure on the vulnerable groups of society.But, the masterstroke policy announced by Government todate has been the removal of the multi-currency regime,which has since been replaced with the Zimbabwe dollar.Prices that were rising almost daily even in US dollarterms, are beginning to fall, in some cases, to some of thelowest prices witnessed since the adoption of multiplecurrencies in 2009.This has given citizens hope that there is light at the end oftunnel, especially following the recent reduction of prices;for example, the price of 10kg mealie meal from a high of$107 to $50.Despite the shocks brought about by the TSP, there havebeen crucial positives particularly in the implementation offiscal consolidation reforms.This has seen consistent monthly budget surpluses orsavings reaching $1,4 billion between January and August2019. Finance and Economic Development Minister ProfessorMthuli Ncube says the current account delivered a positivebalance of US$116,4 million during the first half of theyear, which all pointed to positive signs for restoring themuch-needed macro-fiscal stability, and elimination ofthe ‘twin deficit’.He said in complementing fiscal consolidation: “Tightmonetary policy was restored, following the reintroductionof the local currency, and the ensuing reestablishment of aliberalised foreign exchange market, which, is however, inits infancy and requires strengthening.” The 2020 National Budget which runs under the theme,‘Gearing for Higher Productivity, Growth and Job Creation’,has proposed a cocktail of measures that include tax cutsand incentives for industry to enhance job creation, whichdovetails with ZANU PF’s 2018 Election Manifesto thatemphasises employment creation.Jobs are expected to be created in the agricultural, manufacturing, mining, tourism and service sectors aswell as infrastructural development projects.ZANU PF also wants to transform Zimbabwe into aregional logistics hub through the implementation ofSpecial Economic Zones (SEZs) and development ofBusiness Incubation Centres, a development primed tousher many reasonably paying jobsThe revolutionary party also believes more jobs will becreated as more investors take up opportunities riding onthe ‘Zimbabwe is Open for Business’ mantra initiated byPresident Mnangagwa on his inauguration.Through the TSP and now the 2020 National Budget, theSecond Republic has earnestly kick-started infrastructureprojects that are expected to help in the attainment ofVision 2030.A number of infrastructure projects have been set inmotion, covering roads construction, electricity generation,airports construction and distribution of clean water to residents.Beyond job creation, the projects that the Second Republichas embarked on will see world-class roads in the nextfew years as indicated in the ZANU PF Manifesto for lastyear’s polls.The road network is already under refurbishment while newroads are being constructed, from Karoi to Muzarabani, toMberengwa and to Tanganda, among other areas.In urban areas, roads that had been left unattended by theopposition MDC-Alliance since year 2000, are beginning tobe attended to by the ZANU PF Government.The refurbishment of the Beitbridge-Harare-ChirunduHighway, which has already started, is set to be concludedin 2023, all things being equal.Five companies have been given stretches to work on andthose that show commitment will get more stretches sothat the project is accelerated.In terms of power generation, the biggest coal-firedpower facility in Zimbabwe – the Hwange Thermal PowerStation – which is being expanded to add 600MW, will becompleted in 2022.The project is being implemented at a cost of US$1,5 billionby a special-purpose vehicle consisting the ZimbabwePower Company (ZPC), the power generation unit of ZESAHoldings and Sinohydro, a Chinese state-owned firm.Upon completion, Hwange will have an installed capacityof 1 520MW, which is almost equal to the current nationaldemand for electricity of about 1 400MW.Coupled with the recent expansion of Kariba SouthHydropower Station that saw an additional 300MW to takethe installed capacity to 1 050MW, Zimbabwe will becomea net exporter of electricity in the near future.A number of independent power producers (IPPs) areimplementing solar projects across the country, while the2 000MW solar project entered into between Harare andDubai will also ensure lights are on for longer periods whilemachines in industries will also be spinning. The project is set to be implemented in two phases of 1000MW. It should be completed in 18 months.Concerns over power shortages and the huge sums ofmoney being used to import electricity would be saved andchannelled towards others areas such as fuel importation.Another major project is the upgrading of the RobertGabriel Mugabe International Airport. This project is expected to revolutionise the face of thecountry in a big way.It started in October last year and will be concluded inthree years’ time. It brings with it employment opportunities for citizens.The US$153 million project includes expansion of theinternational terminal building and aprons, installationof four new air bridges, a secondary radar system,construction of a VVIP pavilion, an airfield ground lightingsystem and communication systems.This will bring Zimbabwe almost at par with a number ofcountries in the world in terms of airports infrastructurefollowing the recent refurbishments of the Victoria FallsInternational Airport and Buffalo Range Airport in the lowveld.